Les Assaisonnements Briards

Les Assaisonnements Briards

Meaux, located 60 km east of Paris, is the capital of the Seine-et-Marne district, with over 50,000 residents known as Meldois. The city's history is closely tied to the Marne River, on which it was built. In ancient times, the Ourcq Canal and the Marne formed a large loop north of the city, home to the Gallic tribe "Meldis," which gave Meaux its name. By the 4th century, Meaux became a bishopric and later the capital of Brie. The connection between mustard and religion dates back to Charlemagne, who instructed religious communities to cultivate mustard in the bishoprics.

In the 18th century, Meaux became known for its mustard production, with many manufacturers and mills dedicated to this craft. Mustard was essential for masking the taste of less-than-fresh food. By 1771, mustard makers in Meaux were producing on an industrial scale. JB Pommery, a key figure, operated a millstone quarry alongside his mustard business and was entrusted with the secret of Moutarde de Meaux® by the Canons.

In 1925, production modernized, but Moutarde de Meaux® Pommery® has preserved its original recipe, using carefully selected ingredients. The quality of its stoneware jars and natural cork stoppers ensures that this mustard remains a global favorite. Les Assaisonnements Briards, guardians of this authentic process, continue to share their expertise with the world.

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Mustard Meaux 250 GR

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